TERE TEREBA talks about her close friendships with guitar icon MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD and ANDY WARHOL. She tells the story of how Michael Bloomfield came to do the soundtrack music for the film, ANDY WARHOLS’S BAD, aka BAD (1977). BLOOMFIELD also did a single (unreleased) in conjunction with the movie called ANDY’S BAD. The interview was shot in Los Angeles, March 19, 2016, exclusively for MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD LEGACY Facebook page.
The historic home to poets and hell-raisers has closed its doors: No More Artists Will Live Or Die Here. On my first trip to Manhattan, sans parents, out of curiosity I stayed there for a few days. It was not for me. I had already met Andy Warhol in L.A. and was a new person on the scene. Presumably curious, Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe came to meet me at the Chelsea. I must have left quite an impression: I never saw them again!
My revelatory L.A. underworld book, seen from the angle of Mickey Cohen, Hollywood’s outrageous mob boss, will be released May 1, 2012. An incredible story, covering six decades, it’s packed with juicy revelations, and steaming historical shockers about the likes of RFK, Nixon, Rev. Billy Graham, as well as countless stars (Sinatra, Marilyn, Lana Turner and her lover from Cohen’s gang – who ends up dead in her bedroom – even Shirley Temple), as well as iconic mobsters like Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky.
But what next? With the death of Elizabeth Taylor I though about meeting her in Monte Carlo. She was still amazingly beautiful – and very funny. Maybe a simple book, using silent-screen diva Louise Brooks‘ sublime bestseller LULU IN HOLLYWOOD as a template. It’s just eight short and intimate stories about people from her life. I could recall Andy Warhol, Jim Morrison, Elizabeth Taylor, Fellini and a few more mega-legends…capturing my impressions of these icons up close.
Elizabeth Taylor
Louise Brooks
UPDATE: I don’t want to write another book.
I once asked Andy Warhol-someone quite content with his own identity-“Who would you want to be other than yourself?” He told me: “The Pope.” Andy went to Roman Catholic mass every Sun.–but–what he responded to was the pomp, the Popemobile, and the absolute power. The Pope’s a monumental celebrity. I’m sure AW would say Benedict’s smokin’ red PRADA treads are “really great.”
I spoke w/ Paul Morrissey today. Of course a major topic was the big news—the sale of his Montauk property to Mickey Drexler, the guy from J. Crew, formerly of The Gap, for $28.000.000. REAL real estate. It was originally just a very funky fishing lodge for rich people, bought for $200,000 in the early Seventies. Still very funky cottages but great beachfront. Won’t be funky for long. Naturally it doesn’t hurt the value that it was an Andy Warhol property; although Paul did find the place and always loved it. I don’t think Andy was ever interested in it…he rarely went there. But the Montauk place was where Andy took Liz Taylor (I remember she was w/her hairdresser) to ask her if she’d star in BAD. He “popped the question” & she turned him down flat.
Paul said his super chic niece, Marisa Crawford‘s daughter, Justine, is now in Vogue. She’s 13 going on 14 and a terrific student. Bruce Weber is working w/ her. That’s great. For years now all the models seem to be from former Soviet-bloc countries.
I like Tyra’s talk show. She has real personality and spirit. I never got O., but have never really seen the show. My mother says she’s compassionate.