The Noisy Bag & Loud Hats…
What’s wrong with this picture? Sun Chips brought out a biodegradable bag which was deemed “too noisy” for American consumers. Yet Canadians have accepted the high-decibel bags without a problem. Don’t people realize there are Texas-size floats of plastic refuse in both the Atlantic and Pacific that will take 500-years to degrade?
I’m fascinated, but often disturbed by true eccentrics. But in most cases give me Technicolor & widescreen, meat dresses & Philip Treacy hats! Kooky heiresses of decades past, the Peggy Guggenheims & Nancy Cunards & Doris Dukes, & our wildly nutty Hollywood gangster, bloody Mickey Cohen, provoked and titillated. I was shocked by artist Chris Burden, now a staid professional making prominent installations from vintage street lights, when he was shot in the name of art years ago. Beastly momma grizzly, Sarah Palin, is an arch provocateur who constantly shocks and frightens me.