“We Do Things To Please God…
It is a challenge,” Major Nadil Malik Hasan told a woman who lived in his apt. building the night he announced he was “going away.” Dr. Val Finnell, who attended school w/ Hasan, has spoken out about how the Army psychiatrist’s extreme Muslim views permeated his outlook years ago. Reports have now surfaced that this deeply conflicted man not only prayed 5-times-a-day, but apparently also made visits to the local strip club. The terrorist massacre at Fort Hood perpetrated by the officer is yet another scandal for the military brass. The warning signs were there–but Hasan filled a slot as a desperately needed health care professional, dealing with the ravaged minds of soldiers that had been deployed in war-zones 3, 4 & even 5-times. I wonder what he told his patients. They’re Army–and will not speak out.