I Missed the Beginning …
of the Final 24. I want to see the complete show about “the last day of Jim Morrison.” It reenacted what “supposedly” happened w/ Jim & Pam Courson. I was in Paris, seeing them, until a few days before he died. I took long walks, alone, w/ Jim around the city. They both told me many very personal things. Among the things Jim and I talked about was Oscar Wilde,who died in Paris,too!
Where should I begin w/ comments on this program?
- Art Direction: they portrayed the beautiful haute bourgeois Marais apartment as a psychedelic hippy pad.
- Sensationalism: footage of a bloated drunken Jim after an arrest was repeated as if that was how he looked at the time of his death. They allude to their states of mind & what they “portray” happening as fact. See: My Take. HOW CAN THIS BE?
- Content: They made it seem like his career was over. Who are the people they interviewed? BOGUS!!! Research, pls!!!
Jim was a talented serious person, who was only 27! HE LOOKED FINE & WAS IN GOOD SPIRITS, HIS DREAM OF WRITING A NOVEL WAS HAPPENING (I leafed thru the almost-finished, hand written manuscript) plus HE HAD MANY SHOWBIZ OFFERS! They made a thing about the Doors recording in LA. JIM & PAM LAUGHED WHEN THEY TOLD ME THEY WERE MAKING A RECORD W/OUT HIM!!!
Off topic: I’m so glad they suspended Dog: The Bounty Hunter. I can’t believe THAT TRASH is a hit. It represents all that’s wrong w/ this country.
Less bread & circuses, PLS!!